The scientific program for the 2022 joint meeting of Neuroergonomics and NYC Neuromodulation Conferences spans 3 days with 20+ curated sessions.Your registration includes access to the scientific program, posters, exhibits, and social events intended to encourage new connections and collaborations. For 1 day before and after the scientific program, hands-on practicals are available. See Pre- & Post-Conference Workshops >>
This program is in development with additional sessions and talks posted shortly.
The conference is thematically organized around the themes of Emotion and HRV, Communication and Language, Closed-Loop Technology BCI, Pain, Addiction and Binge Eating, Recovery, Performance, and Skill, Eye-tracking, Social Medical, Neuromarketing, and Remote/mobile sensing in the wild. These themes are intended to encourage discussion that fuse traditional sub-domains of brain and health technologies.
From Passive BCI to Neuroadaptivity
Directors: Thorsten O. Zander, PhD, Sarah-Michelle Mehnert
This workshop, originally scheduled for Thursday, July 28 is now moved to Monday, August 1, 8:30 AM - 1 PM |
10 AM - 4:30 PM | Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS): Advanced Theory and Hands-on Workshop
Directors: Adam J Woods, PhD, Helena Knotkova, PhD, Marom Bikson, PhD
Room: Shepard 250 |
10:30 AM - 4:30 PM | Neurotech Commercialization Workshop
Independently OrganizedSee details
Please arrive at the registration desk for directions to the room |
1:30 - 5 PM | Real-time and close-loop EEG processing with the open-source OpenViBE platform: hands-on workshop
Directors: Fabien Lotte, PhD, Sébastien Rimbert, PhD, Thomas Prampart, PhD, Laurent Bougrain, PhD
Please arrive at the registration desk for directions to the room |
1:30 - 4:30 PM | A primer on machine learning for physiological signals
Directors: Jacek Dmochowski, PhD
Please arrive at the registration desk for directions to the room |
5 - 7 PM | Post-Workshop / Pre-Conference Al Fresco Social @ Baylander Steel Beach - West Harlem Piers See details |
7 AM | Conference Venue / Registration Open |
7:30 AM | Great Hall / Exhibit Hall Open |
7:30 - 8:25 AM | Sponsors Morning Workshop with Breakfast - ![]() |
8:25 - 8:30 AM | Day 1 - Opening Remarks: Giussepina Pilloni, Marom Bikson, Hasan Ayaz |
8:30 - 9:50 AM | Session 1: Neurotechnology and Brain Aging (Great Hall) Moderator: Amy Vogel, PhD |
8:30 AM | Benjamin Hampstead, PhD - How higher dose and home-based HD-tDCS may change treatment of dementia |
8:48 AM | Meltem Izzetoglu, PhD - Prefrontal hemodynamics during single and dual task walking in older adults |
9:06 AM | Adam Woods, PhD - Neuromodulation to counteract cognitive aging |
9:24 AM | Helena Knotkova, PhD - Neurostimulation for cognitive enhancement (Alzheimer's disease) and pain in older adults |
9:50 - 10:20 AM | Coffee Break Sponsored by ![]() |
10:20 - 12 PM | Session 2: Addicted brain and Neurotechnology (Great Hall) Moderator: Hyein Cho, PhD |
10:20 AM | Colleen Hanlon, PhD - Switching from Gin to Juice: TMS as a therapeutic tool for alcohol use disorder |
10:38 AM | Ali Rezai, MD - Neuromodulation for addiction |
10:56 AM | Rita Z Goldstein, PhD - Brain Imaging and Modulation of craving |
11:14 AM | Andrew Stephen Huhn, PhD - Wearable neuroimaging for opioid use disorder treatment |
11:32 AM | Laura Berner, PhD - Binge eating and identifying neurobiological mechanisms that underlie cognitive control |
12:00 - 1:20 PM | Networking / Exhibits / Lunch - Food Truck Lunch on the Lawn (on your own) |
1:20 - 2:40 PM | Session 3: Creative Brain / Wired Brain (Parallel, Great Hall) Moderator: Stephane Perrey, PhD |
1:20 PM | Barbara Colombo, PhD - Cognitive reserve, aging, emotion, creativity and brain stimulation |
1:38 PM | John Kounious, PhD - The Neuroscience of novice and expert creative performance: Insights from jazz improvisation |
1:56 PM | Anjan Chatterjee, MD - Neuroaesthetics |
2:14 PM | Evangelia G. Chrysikou, PhD - Augmenting creativity with non-invasive brain stimulation |
1:20 - 3:00 PM | Session 4: Eye-movement & Cognition: What the Eyes Reveal (Parallel, Shepard 250) Moderator: Frederic Dehais, PhD |
1:20 PM | Todd Hudson, PhD - Eye tracking in illness- new devices/ assistive technology & advanced wearables in vision disability |
1:38 PM | Andrew Duchowski, PhD - Latest in eye- tracking methods |
1:56 PM | Carryl Baldwin, PhD - Eye metrics as indices of attentional state and workload |
2:14 PM | Kevin Chan, PhD - Sensory Substitution and Brain Plasticity in the Blind |
2:32 PM | Rebecca Jones, PhD - Detection of eye contact with deep neural networks is as accurate as human experts |
2:40 - 3:10 PM | Session O1: Oral Highlights (Parallel, Great Hall) Moderators: Gozde Unal, PhD, Giuseppina Pilloni, PhD |
Brian Erickson - Parametric evaluation of TMS EEG phase resetting as a function of TMS amplitude and endogenous EEG phase | |
Anna Tarasenko, PhD - Determination of the effects of taVNS on the Heart Rate Variability using a Machine Learning pipeline | |
Angela Vujic - Anxiety Levels in Participants can Increase Relative Right Frontal EEG in Affect Elicitation Studies | |
Mike Salomone - Out of the loop neural correlates during the supervision of an automated system | |
Tiash Rana Mukherjee, PhD - Neural, Muscular, and Perceptual responses with Shoulder Exoskeleton Use over Days | |
Pankaj Sah, MBBS PhD - Role for the amygdala in treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder using deep brain stimulation | |
Nishant Verma - Alzheimer’s Therapy: Cranial nerve stimulation to promote glymphatic function | |
Joyce Bore-Norton, PhD - Cortical activation by directional STN-DBS in Parkinson’s disease revealed using subject-specific MEG source localization | |
3:10 - 3:30 PM | Coffee Break Sponsored by ![]() |
3:30 - 5:55 PM | Session 5: Boosting Performance (1): The Mind (Parallel - Great Hall)
Moderator: Marom Bikson, PhD |
3:30 PM | Daniel Callan, PhD - Measuring and stimulating the brain at the extremes of perfomance |
3:48 PM | Vince Clark, PhD - Using electric, acoustic and radiant energies to improve learning |
4:06 PM | John Medaglia, PhD - Personalizing neuromodulation to enhance cognition |
4:24 PM | Inês Violante, PhD - Targeting the Human Hippocampus with Non-Invasive Deep Brain Stimulation |
4:42 PM | Stephane Perrey, PhD - Stimulating the brain for improving mental performance in sport: does it work? |
5 PM | Kiwon Lee, PhD - Transcranial direct current stimulation as at-home electroceutical for the treatment of mild to moderate major depressive disorder : From multi-center pivotal trial to real-world clinical practice in South Korea Breakout technology |
5:10 PM | Brett Wingeier, PhD - The difference and similarities between consumer and medical neuromodulation Breakout technology |
5:20 PM | Gozde Unal, PhD - Adaptive tissue models of transcranial electrical stimulation including ECT Breakout technology |
5:30 PM | Faranak Farzan, PhD - EEG microstates, fluid intelligence, cognitive training, and brain stimulaiton |
3:30 - 4:35 PM | Session 6: Virtual Agents (Parallel - Shepard 250) Moderator: Ranjana Mehta, PhD |
3:30 PM | Maria Schultheis, PhD - The application of virtual reality technology in rehabilitation |
3:48 PM | Robert Jacob, PhD - fNIRS as an input to brain computer interfaces |
4:06 PM | Adrian Curtin, PhD - Neural correlates of cyberphysical collaboration and perception of synthetic speech |
2:57 PM | Frederic Dehais, PhD - Dual passive-active BCI |
4:35 - 6 PM | Session 7: Neurotechnology for Neuroergonomics (Parallel, Shepard 250) Moderator: Adrian Curtin, PhD |
4:35 PM | Jacob Robinson, PhD - Read-write BCI development |
4:53 PM | Simon Ladouce, PhD - Capturing cognitive events embedded in the real-world using mobile EEG and Eye-Tracking |
5:11 PM | Flavia Vitale, PhD - MXene-infused bioelectronic interfaces for multiscale electrophysiology and stimulation |
5:29 PM | Jesse Mark, PhD - Active and passive neurotechnology based enhancement of training in flight simulators Breakout technology |
6 PM | Cocktail and Jazz Reception (free to all conference attendees) See details |
7:30 PM | Venue Closes / Exhibit hall closes |
7 AM | Conference Venue / Registration Open |
7:30 AM | Great Hall / Exhibit Hall Open |
7:30 - 8:25 AM | Morning Workshop with Breakfast - Promoting emerging scientists and diversity in Neurotech: A Discussion Moderator: Ranjana Mehta, PhD Vividha Bhaskar Mahima Sharma Emma Elizabeth Biggs |
8:25 - 8:30 AM | Day 2 - Opening Remarks: Giussepina Pilloni, Leigh Charvet, Frederic Dehais |
8:30 - 10:20 AM | Session 8: Wearable Mobile Neurotechnologies (Great Hall) Moderator: Fabien Lotte, PhD |
8:30 AM | Mary Lou Jepsen, PhD - Next-gen portable neuroimaging for medical diagnostics |
8:48 AM | Ryan Field, PhD - Next-gen mobile neuroimaging for everyday use |
9:06 AM | Tiago H. Falk, PhD - Wearable BCIs for xR |
9:26 AM | David Boas, PhD - Toward neuroscience of the everyday world using functional near-infrared spectroscopy |
9:42 AM | Matthias Ziegler, PhD - Computational models for near-real-time performance predictions based on physiological measures of workload |
10 AM | Hyein Cho, PhD - Mobile therapy games and ABMT Breakout technology |
10:20 - 10:40 AM | Coffee Break / Poster session A Sponsored by ![]() |
10:40 - 12:00 PM | Session 9: Social Neuroergonomics (Great Hall) Moderator: Hasan Ayaz, PhD |
10:40 AM | Michael Platt, PhD - Unlock the potential of human in the workplace: the brain power approach |
10:58 AM | Uri Hasson, PhD - Shared computational principles for language processing in humans and deep language models |
11:16 AM | Ofer Tchernichovski, PhD - Crowd wisdom enhanced by costly signaling in a virtual rating system |
11:34 AM | Lucas Parra, PhD - Cognitive processing of a common stimulus synchronizes brains, hearts, and eyes |
12:00 - 12:30 PM | Session O2: Oral Highlights (Great Hall) Moderators: Gozde Unal, PhD, Giuseppina Pilloni, PhD |
Laurent Koessler, PhD - Transcranial direct current stimulation modulates intracerebral evoked potientials during face recognition tasks | |
Caroline Hamery - Transcranial random noise stimulation enhances retention performance after training of a complex cognitive task | |
William J. Huffman - In vivo and computational studies of the effects of vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate | |
Aprinda Indahlastari, PhD - High fidelity tdcs finite element models to predict changes in functional connectivity of the working memory networks in older adults | |
Kyungho Won - May tactile stimulation and electrical brain stimulation be helpful to the BCI-unable? | |
Erin McCulloch - Electrical vestibular nerve stimulation (VeNS): A follow-up safety assessment of long-term usage | |
Yun-Sung Lee - Effect of an individualized stimulation frequency for transcranial alternating current stimulation on cognitive function | |
Keum-Shik Hong, PhD - Comparison of tAC- and tDC-stimulation techniques using fNIRS | |
Lindsey McIntire - Cervical Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation Sustains Cognitive Performance during 34-Hours of Sustained Wakefulness | |
12:30 - 1:45 PM | Lunch / Exhibits / Poster Session A - Food Truck Lunch on the Lawn (on your own) |
1:45 - 2:58 PM | Session 10: When the Computer Types Back: Latest Developments in Bidirectional BCI (Parallel - Great Hall) ![]() |
1:45 PM | Fabien Lotte, PhD - New and emerging advanced machine learning approaches for BCI |
2:03 PM | Riki Banerjee, PhD - Endovascular brain computer interface |
2:21 PM | Thorsten O. Zander, PhD - Neuroadaptive BCI |
2:39 PM | Angelique C Paulk, PhD - Advancing large-scale single cell recording and neurostimulation precision in the human brain |
1:45 - 3:15 PM | Session 11: Boosting Perfomance (2): The Body (Parallel, Shepard 250) Moderator: Cristin Grace Welle, PhD |
1:45 PM | Dylan J. Edwards, PhD - Robotically enhanced motor practice in neurorehabilitation |
2:03 PM | Cristin Grace Welle, PhD - VNS enhances motor learning and myelin plasticity |
2:21 PM | John Martin, PhD - Cortical and spinal cord stimulation enhance recovery from spinal cord injury |
2:39 PM | Greg Appelbaum, PhD - Expediting skills acquisition in surgeons through psychophysiological monitoring and brain stimulation |
2:57 PM | Charlotte Stagg, PhD - Mechanisms underpinning human motor learning for developing new treatment approaches |
3:15 - 3:35 PM | Coffee Break / Poster session A |
3:35 - 5:23 PM | Session 12: New Currents in Brain Stimulation 1: Circuits and Systems (Parallel, Great Hall) Moderator: Giuseppina Pilloni |
3:35 PM | Sarah Lisanby, MD - Brain-Behavior Quantification and Synchronization (BBQS) |
3:53 PM | Hayriye Cagnan, PhD - Stimulating at the right time: Brain stimulation and peripheral nerve stimulation |
4:11 PM | Rosana Esteller, PhD - Revolutionizing neuromodulation therapy with dynamic stimulation |
4:29 PM | Jacek Dmochowski, PhD - How focused ultrasound and near-infrared light change brain rhythms and connectivity |
4:47 PM | Petra Ritter, MD - The Virtual Brain for clinical application |
5:05 PM | Leigh Charvet, PhD - Contactless home-based tDCS |
3:35 - 4:29 PM | Session 13: Social and Consumer Neuroergonomics (Parallel, Shepard 250) Moderator: Hyein Cho, PhD |
3:35 PM | Hasan Ayaz, PhD - Interpersonal brain synchrony and neural efficiency in children and adults during everyday tasks |
3:53 PM | Ranjana Mehta, PhD - The eyes are windows into the brain: Sex parity for effective Human-Autonomy teaming |
4:11 PM | Laura Astolfi, PhD - Inter-brain coupling from EEG hyperscanning and multiple-subject models of the social brain |
4:32 - 5:30 PM | Session 14: Panel - What academics need to know about engineering useful neuromodulation devices (Parallel, Shepard 250) |
Kate Rosenbluth, PhD (Cala Health) | |
Erika K. Ross, PhD (Abbott) | |
Jennifer Ernst, PhD (Tivic Health) | |
5:30 - 6:30 PM | Poster Session A |
6:30 PM | Venue Closes / Exhibit Hall Closes |
7 PM | Young Scientist Social @ The GrangeSee details |
7:30 AM | Conference Venue / Registration Open |
8 AM | Great Hall / Exhibit Hall Open |
8 - 8:55 AM | Sponsors Morning Workshop with Breakfast - Wearable Sensing: Simultaneous Dry EEG + fNIRS & Closed-Loop Dry EEG + tDCS![]() |
8:55 - 9 AM | Day 3 - Opening Remarks: Giussepina Pilloni, Hasan Ayaz, Ranjana K Mehta |
9 - 10:12 AM | Session 15: What The Heart Tells The Brain, and Vice Versa (Great Hall) Moderator: Giuseppina Pilloni, PhD |
9 AM | Bashar Badran, PhD - What the heart tells us about brain stimulation: From Babies, to COVID, to zero-gravity |
9:18 AM | Camila Cosmo, PhD - What brain and heart activity tell us about when to apply tDCS and TMS (for PTSD, ADHD, and inhibtory control) |
9:36 AM | Esra Al, PhD - Heartbeats Impact Perception and Motor Activity |
9:54 AM | Jens Madsen, PhD - Storytelling makes hearts (and brains) beat as one |
10:15 - 10:35 AM | Coffee Break / Poster session B Sponsored by ![]() |
10:35 - 12:05 PM | Session 16: Why So Sad? Neurotechnology for Attention and Mood (Great Hall) Moderator: Marom Bikson, PhD |
10:35 AM | Harold A. Sackeim, PhD - Lessons from ECT on principles of neuromodulation |
10:51 AM | Mark S. George, MD - Electromagnetic neuromodulation therapy for depression: The road from invention to FDA approval to therapy enhancement |
11:09 AM | Andre Brunoni, MD, PhD - Digitizing Neuromodulation: Transcranial Electric Stimulation as a mobile mental Health device |
11:27 AM | Helen Mayberg, MD - Deep brain stimulation for depression |
11:45 AM | Eleanor J. Cole, PhD - Neuroscience-informed non-invasive brain stimulation treatment for depression Breakout technology |
12:05 - 12:30 PM | Session O3 - Oral Highlights (Great Hall) Moderators: Gozde Unal, PhD, Giuseppina Pilloni, PhD |
Oshin Tyagi, PhD - TMS applications to uncover central mechanisms of fatigue under stress | |
Luis Cardoso, PhD - Mechanical stimulation by an automatic massage bed: Predicting stresses and deformation in human body parts using computational modeling | |
Heloise de Baun - Network-level mechanisms underlying effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on visuomotor learning in schizophrenia | |
Nigel Gebodh - Deep learning framework for non-invasive closed-loop neuromodulation for attention | |
John Hayes - Brain dynamics associated with psychomotor training using augmented reality | |
Mahima Sharma - Evoked Synaptic Excitatory Potentials (ESAPs): A novel electrophysiological biomarker for Spinal Cord Stimulation | |
12:30 - 1:45 PM | Lunch / Exhibits / Poster Session B - Food Truck Lunch on the Lawn (on your own) | 1:45 - 3:15 PM | Session 17: Mental Workload Passive BCI (Parallel, Great Hall) Moderator: Simon Ladouce, PhD |
1:45 PM | Ryan McKendrick, PhD - Passive measurement of cognitive load: Lessons learned and recommendations from applied application |
2:03 PM | Erin Solovey, PhD - Integrating brain signals and educational data mining to improve online learning environments |
2:21 PM | Kurtulus Izzetoglu, PhD - fNIRS measures of cognitive workload during a UAS mission and training |
2:39 PM | Denny Yu, PhD - Real-time non-intrusive workload monitoring-Integration in surgery training and assessment |
1:45 - 3:15 PM | Session 18: Electrophysiological Markers of Brain Health in Neuromodulation (Parallel, Shepard 250) Moderator: Evangelia Chrysikou, PhD |
1:45 PM | Inês Violante, PhD - Closed-loop neuromodulation with Bayesian optimization |
2:03 PM | Joshua Jacobs, PhD - Understanding neuronal codes and oscillations to optimize direct cortical stimulation |
2:21 PM | Yael Hanein, PhD - The Home-Based Sleep Laboratory Breakout technology |
2:39 PM | Gesa Hartwigsen, PhD - Combining non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation with neuroimaging and electrophysiology: inferring causality in cognitive neuroscience |
2:57 PM | Ilknur Telkes, PhD - EEG patterns of spinal cord stimulation for pain and deep brain stimulation for PTSD and parkinson's |
3:15 - 3:35 PM | Coffee Break / Poster session B Sponsored by ![]() |
3:35 - 4:30 PM | Session 19: Government Panel: Priorities in Technology for Brain Interfaces (Parallel, Great Hall) Moderator: Marom Bikson, PhD |
Sahana Kukke, PhD (NIH NINDS) | |
Sarah Lisanby, MD (NIH NIMH) | |
Gregory Witkop,MD (DARPA) | |
3:35 - 4:35 PM | Session 20: New Currents in Brain Stimulation 2: Cellular Targets (Parallel, Shepard 250) Moderator: Giuseppina Pilloni |
3:35 PM | Mihály Vöröslakos, PhD - How small electric fields still affect neurons |
3:56 PM | Forouzan Farahani - Effects of direct current stimulation on synaptic plasticity in a single neuron |
4:11 PM | Bingmei Fu, PhD - tDCS flushes the brain |
4:35 - 5:30 PM | Session 21: Responsible Neuroergonomics: Neurorights, Governance and Ethical Development (Great Hall) Moderator: Banu Onaral, PhD |
4:35 PM | Rafael Yuste, PhD - Neurorights: A human rights approach to neurotechnology |
4:53 PM | Anna Wexler, PhD - Ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding emerging brain technology |
5:06 PM | Laura Cabrera, PhD - From ethical guidelines to good practices in neurotechnology development |
5:06 PM | Panel discussion Helen Mayberg, MD Rafael Yuste, PhD Anna Wexler, PhD Laura Cabrera, PhD Frederic Dehais, PhD Banu Onaral, PhD |
5:30 - 5:40 PM | Closing Remarks Hasan Ayaz, PhD, Giuseppina Pilloni PhD, Frederic Dehais, PhD |
5:40 - 6:30 PM | Poster Session B (Great Hall) |
6:30 PM | Exhibit Space / Great Hall Closes |
5:30 - 6:30 PM | Women in Neurotech - Shepard 250 See details |
7 PM | Venue Closes / Exhibit Hall Closes |
8:30 AM - 1 PM | From Passive BCI to Neuroadaptivity
Directors: Thorsten O. Zander, PhD, Sarah-Michelle Mehnert
This workshop, originally scheduled for Thursday, July 28 is now postponed to Monday, August 1 Please arrive at the registration desk for directions to the room |
9 AM - 12 PM | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) in Neuroscience and Clinical Practice: Hands-on Workshop
Directors: Eleanor Cole, PhD, Laura Tabacof, PhD
Staff: Kevin Caulfield
Please arrive at the registration desk for directions to the room |
9 AM - 12:30 PM | EEG Workshop: Data collection, preprocessing, analysis Directors: Simon Ladouce, PhD, Adrian Curtin, PhD, Hasan Ayaz, PhD, Frederic Dehais, PhD |
1:30 - 4:30 PM | Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Workshop: Data collection, preprocessing, analysis
Directors: Adrian Curtin, PhD, Frederic Dehais, PhD, Hasan Ayaz, PhD
Please arrive at the registration desk for directions to the room |